Palletisation options: Protect your products from pallet contamination
Flexipol hygiene pallet covers replace cardboard pallet cards and reduce the risk of contamination.Their custom blend and mitred corner design make them easy to fit and ensures they securely cling to GB and Euro pallets and pallet tops

Cardboard pallet cards are widely used to provide a barrier between the wooden pallet, and the products stacked onto it. However, there is still a contamination risk with the cardboard, and in addition, the card is not secure and can shift.
Flexipol hygiene pallet covers replace cardboard pallet cards and reduce the risk of contamination.Their custom blend and mitred corner design make them easy to fit and ensures they securely cling to GB and Euro pallets and pallet tops.
Their unique design allows for a tight fit, but putting them over a pallet is very simple, just take a liner from the pack, and stretch it over a pallet ensuring a weld is in each corner.
If you’re interested in this product, contact us today.